About Jeddacoffee

Jeddacoffee is a Family owned and managed online Specialty Coffee distribution business. We are based in the world heritage listed Wet Tropics Rain Forest in Kuranda, approximately 35 km from Cairns, Queensland Australia.

Our focus on providing our customers with Specialty coffees that are sourced through an ethically sustainable supply chain. Jeddacoffee engage with suppliers who are certified and current members of the organisations like the Fair Trade International Organisation and Australian Specialty Coffee Suppliers Association.

At Jeddacoffee, we believe that Fair Trade ensures our growers and farmers are paid a fair wage for their time, knowledge and product which ensures a sustainable and ethical supply of coffee to our customers.    

While our focus is primarily on Specialty coffee, we also provide a range of other products to help our customers create that great brewed morning coffee while having fun.

We hope you enjoy browsing through our product range and hope to see you at the check out!

 Check us out at www.jeddacoffee.com